Park Auto Group

Friday, June 11, 2010

Family Road Trip Must-Haves



Family Road Trip Must-Haves

Planning Ahead Can Make or Break Your Trip
When you're on the road, there are two types of things you'll need: the grown-up stuff, and the kids' stuff. We'll cover both here.
  1. Cell phone. We're not suggesting talking while you drive, but if you get lost, blow a tire, overheat an engine or need medical assistance, a cell phone is indispensable. If your adult partner (or teenage child) has a different carrier, have him or her bring a phone as well, because you never know which carrier will have a working signal at any given moment. Don't forget the car charger and wall charger. If you have (or are planning to buy) a Bluetooth-enabled phone, bear in mind that an increasing number of cars are available with hands-free Bluetooth technology and will allow you to call someone using only your voice.
  2. Detailed maps. OK, sounds obvious, but how many times have you had to stop to ask directions during your lifetime? If you're on a road trip and lose your way, vehicle navigation systems are a gift from heaven. If your car doesn't have a nav system and you have the cash, consider getting an aftermarket unit. At worst, bring detailed maps, not just driving directions. Some maps or guides will also highlight features along the route and the all-important rest stops. Rand McNally, Thomas Brothers and especially AAA are good places to start. Getting directions from strangers you meet while traveling is dicey, at best. So don't rely on the guy at that gas station, or you could end up driving in circles.
  3. Entertainment for the kids. We could spend all day on this one. Klutz Press publishes several books/activity packs for kids that will have you singing the company's praises, including Glove Compartment Games and Kids TravelA Backseat Survival Guide, which has lots of puzzles, connect-the-dots and so on. Bring stories on CD — often you can get these at the library. For older kids, satellite radio such as Sirius or XM is a good bet. Finally, on long trips there's nothing better to keep kids busy than a DVD player or handheld electronic games. Some vehicles even offer gaming system connections so your kids can bring their favorite video games along with them. Naturally, there's always the entertainment fallback, traditional (and free) car games such as "I Spy" and "20 Questions" or "Geography."
  4. Munchies. This cannot be overstated. You need lots of snacks and lots of variety. Water bottles, juice boxes, individual bags of chips or crackers, grapes (cut in half for little ones to avoid choking), fresh veggies (OK, that's for you), Cheerios, granola bars or yogurt sticks that have been frozen (kids love this!). Most young kids calm down a bit when they drink milk, so bring along milk boxes that are vacuum-packed and don't need refrigeration. (They can be hard to find; check the powdered milk area of the grocery store.) Use disposable plastic containers and resealable plastic bags so the car doesn't resemble a Tupperware party. Remember, kids can't shout while they're busy drinking and eating. Don't forget a couple of bags to hold all the trash, too.
  5. Travel-sized goods. It isn't just shampoo and deodorant that come in travel sizes today. First aid kits, baby wipes, toys (classics like Mastermind and Connect Four, Etch-a-Sketch), hair brushes, disposable plastic placemats and bibs, sunscreen, bug repellent, just about everything comes in a mini version today, saving you a lot of weight in the suitcase and the need to rummage around looking for things. Pack all these things in one bag that is easy to get to, and you'll save not only time but energy as well.
  6. Prescription medicines. If you forget them, you'll be waking your doctor and scrambling for the number of the nearest pharmacy. Also ask your pediatrician about over-the-counter motion sickness medication if you will be traveling on winding roads.
  7. Change of clothing — for everyone. Nevermind the kids: If little Susie upchucks on your lap instead of her own, you'll be glad you brought along an extra pair of sweats. Don't overlook the obvious: extra diapers, undies, jackets.
  8. Legal documents/Legal tender. Bring driver licenses (for all drivers) or IDs, vehicle registration, current insurance card, AAA card (or other roadside assistance information), ATM/debit card, credit card and cash. This neat little package will save your trip if you are pulled over by police, towed, or break down. Keep them in one place, preferably in a front pants pocket, because they're harder to pick. You also won't risk that moment of panic if you realize your purse is hanging on the back of a chair in the restaurant, 10 miles back.
  9. Favorite blankie or stuffed animal. Torn or ratty, nothing, but nothing, becomes more valuable on a road trip than your child's "lovey." It connects him to home and makes him more comfortable in a strange place. It also helps him sleep. Don't leave home without it.
  10. Shades. If your vehicle's rear windows aren't heavily tinted (and even if they are), you might need a sunshade to keep the sun out of your little ones' eyes. Built-in sunshades are featured on many luxury sedans, and you can also get them on the Toyota Sienna and the Honda Odyssey. Several add-on sunshade accessories are available on the Web or in baby stores. Even then, it's a good idea to bring sunglasses for the whole family for those times you step out of the car and into a bright, sunny day.

Finally, you may already have a child safety seat, but is it a comfortable one? The rule of thumb is, the less expensive it is, the less padding there is between Junior and a hard piece of plastic. Check it out: Press down on the there a lot of cushion, or will it feel like a rock after an hour? Remember: Keep 'em comfortable, and you'll keep everybody happy.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Flip Flops...

To beat the summer heat, nothing seems more comfortable than the flips-flops.  However of late, lots of health experts and beauty therapists are talking about the damaging effects of wearing flip-flops, all the time.
When we talk about comfortable casual clothing for summers, flip-flops are a standard for all vacation and beach activities. But unfortunately, we need to look at other options for a cool casual summer look, as this kickback style can cause damage to your legs and feet.
Since, they don’t offer much of a cushion, have nearly no arch support and the grip is poor, your feet become highly susceptible to injuries and external damage. When you wear flip-flops, your muscles have to work harder and your joints are more stressed which can lead to problems later on. Also, since most of your foot remains exposed, you can suffer damage if something falls accidentally onto your feet or if your toes bump into any hard object.
Moderation is one solution
For the diehard flip-flops fans, who just cannot give up wearing their flip-flops completely, it’s better if they can at least avoid wearing them all the time. Wearing them once in a way really doesn’t pose much of a threat to your feet.  Use them only for your regular leveled walks or when you are sitting and relaxing in the sun or by the pool. For all other activities avoid wearing them.
Buy the best quality
When buying flip flops, avoid the temptation to save money, and stick to buying quality stuff only. The high end flip flops, which are definitely costlier, have an in built arch support and good cushioning to reduce the stress on your muscles and joints, while walking. Also pay attention to the shape and the material used, to safeguard your feet from accidental damage.
Consider alternatives
Some of the footwear brands have come up with newer flips-flops upgrades which offer more support and comfort, such as the currently popular strapped gladiator style.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fathers Day Award!!

Is your dad worthy of an award? Of course he is! Make him this shiny, gold trophy for Father's Day.
Looking for more Father's Day fun? Get creative with one of these Father's Day crafts and recipe ideas.

What you'll need:

  • 2 foam coffee cups
  • 5 inch square box (or one cut to size)
  • Masking tape
  • 1 gold chenille stem
  • Gold craft paint
  • Black construction paper, cut to fit on side of box
  • White paint pen
  • Scissors
  • Paintbrush
  • White craft glue

How to make it:

  1. Turn cups upside down and trim bottom lips to make them flush. (See photo.)
  2. Glue the bottoms of the two cups together. (See photo.)
  3. Tape the square box shut by covering the entire box with masking tape. (See photo.)
  4. When glue on the cups have dried, wrap a piece of masking tape around the middle where the two cups meet. (See photo.)
  5. Cut the chenille stem in half and insert into each side of one of the cups as trophy handles. (See photo.)
  6. Cover cups completely with masking tape. (See photo.)
  7. Paint masking tape on both the trophy and the box gold. Let dry. (See photo.)
  8. Write "Awarded World's Best Dad" on the black construction paper with white paint pen. Glue to the front of the box. (See photo.)
  9. Pipe white glue onto the bottom of the cup that does not have the chenille handles. Press onto the top of the box and let glue dry completely. (See photo.)


  1. Fill the trophy cup with Dad's favorite candy.
  2. Paper cups can be used instead of foam.
  3. Use boxes from crackers, cereal bars, and convenience foods for projects like this one.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Drivers Spend Less Time on Cell Phones

Drivers Spend Less Time on Cell Phones

The push to raise people’s awareness of distracted driving must be working because a survey found that drivers are using their mobile devices less than they did last year.
According to a survey by Nationwide Insurance, 20 percent of drivers surveyed said they text while driving, and of that group, 47% of drivers younger than 35 said they text and drive. Clearly, there’s work to be done with younger drivers. But four out of 10 of these drivers say they’re texting less than they did last year. The telephone survey of 1,005 U.S. adults was conducted by Harris Interactive from April 20-27.
What about drivers who just talk on their cell phones while behind the wheel? While 67% of drivers say they talk on their phones when driving, 30% of those drivers said they’re talking less than they did last year.
These numbers might sound high, but when Nationwide first started the annual survey in 2007, 73% of drivers talked on their cell phones when driving. In 2007, 19% of drivers admitted to texting and driving.